There are four words you should say to someone grieving a loss — these aren't them.

Interesting thing about widow hood is the large emptiness that comes with it.
Over the years of attempting to perfect this new role that I have been given, I have learned that emptiness can’t be filled from the outside. That it must and can only be filled from the inside.
Along the way, people have asked me, “How do you do it?” “How do you get along so easily?” “You seem to take it in stride.” “You have adjusted so quickly, so well.”
It is because you and your husband were in the funeral business?
What is it that you know about this?
Marriage is probably one of the best things that ever happened to me, besides having children and getting Botox of course.
The downside to marriage though, is that it just doesn’t last. I know there is the whole “happily ever after theory” but the reality of that is simply improbable.
You see, I am not referring to divorce; I am referring to death.
Couples start marriage at the same time and place but it usually doesn’t end that way. Rarely do married folks exit out of this world at the same moment.
I happen to have some experience in the separation of two people destined to be together forever. For 25 years I worked in the funeral business along side my husband Johnnie, who was a funeral director. As you might imagine, we saw a lot of separation due to death.
And now? Well, I am the left over part of “happily ever after”